We kicked off summer with our second family service trip with OneWorld Health! Last year, we went to Nicaragua. This year, we invited other families to join us and traveled to Honduras!

This was a 6 day trip, June 3-8. Our itinerary looked like this:
Day 1- Travel
Day 2- Attend a local church in Siguatepeque, hike and play at a local park, swim at the hotel, mock service day (a walkthrough of what the next two days will look like)
Days 3 & 4- Service days
Day 5- Tour current OWH facilities, see the location for the future clinic our family is fundraising to build, visit a local mall for lunch, swim at the hotel pool
Day 6- Travel home

The way OneWorld Health organizes and operates their service trips make them great opportunities for families. There are hands-on service activities for each child, no matter the age (Andrew had just turned 3 when we served in Nicaragua last year!), but also opportunities for them to simply play with the local children who are waiting to be seen by a doctor. Our kids loved having jobs: carrying in materials for clinic, wiping tables to prep for patients, helping to measure height/weight, delivering prescriptions, matching patients with the right pair of glasses, taking polaroids of families once they were registered, blowing bubbles for nervous kiddos or crying babies… The balance of working/serving and just being a kid playing with other kids truly makes the days smooth and enjoyable for the whole family.

We are grateful for opportunity to teach our kids that they can make a difference and that age doesn’t determine the impact they can have on others. And we are grateful to be a small part of the work that OneWorld Health is doing in Central America and Uganda to create access to sustainable and affordable healthcare.

If you would like to learn more about how your family can support the clinic we are building right outside of Tegucigalpa, click here or text MHHHonduras to 41444 to give now. If you are interested in learning more about serving as a family with OneWorld Health, comment below, message me on Instagram @makinghomehere, or email me at: Heather@makinghomehere.com.