One of the hardest struggles as a parent is finding a way to prioritize family time when life gets busy.
So today, I’m collaborating with 8 super successful bloggers and super intentional moms to talk about the heart of Making Home Here: Prioritizing Family.
This post has me filled with so much gratitude toward the amazing group of moms and bloggers who have given their time to encourage YOU.
It is my heart for this blog that each person who takes the time to read what I write will come away feeling encouraged and have some sort of takeaway that they can apply to their own lives.
So with that in mind, today each of these bloggers is answering the following question: If you could give one piece of advice to parents of young kids on how to prioritize family in a busy season of life, what would it be?
As you read their answers, I hope you find affirmation, encouragement, and new ideas to try within your own families.
And I doubt I even have to introduce many of these bloggers, but if for some crazy reason you are not already following them, be sure to sort that out before the end of this post. 😉
Sina Duvinage // Happy Grey Lucky // Instagram
“What I’ve learned over the past few years of juggling being a mom of two young kids and also trying to start and grow a business is that it’s okay to not always prioritize my family. That might sound a bit backwards, but trying to put our kids first every single moment of the day ends up with us moms carrying so much guilt around because it’s just not possible to do it all. What has worked best for me is to dedicate time to do exactly that: prioritize my family. But, at the same time, to put aside some time to also prioritize my job, my marriage, my own health. Being focused on my family and spending quality time with them is so much easier when I know I’ll have time later on to dedicate to the other areas of my life that are also important to me.” -Sina
Samantha Collins // Samantha Elizabeth Blog // Instagram
“My advice would be to remember how precious time is and how quickly it goes by. That as a family you’ll go through SO many phases and seasons of life that will someday only be a small memory. Take time to rest, recharge, and take in the important things when the busy season ends. Remember it’s ok to speak up and make changes if the busy season starts to last too long or get in the way of what matters most. As a family, hold one another accountable and make the changes necessary to keep one another the priority. Family is everything. <3” -Samantha
Courtney Tracy // With Love, From Courtney // Instagram

ALSO, if you only have time to do one thing (on any given day/week/season), I recommend READING to and with your kids. It’s awesome bonding to fall into a story together, PLUS it’s great for teaching them skills (comprehension, vocabulary, sentence structure) AND developing traits like empathy, creativity, and curiosity. Really, it is multitasking at its finest, and I’m all about killing multiple birds with one stone these days. 🙂