Place your empty jar on scale and weigh in grams. Write this number down on a note in your phone.
Add 50 g Dry Starter.
Weigh the jar with starter and subtract the total from the weight of your jar alone to determine how much starter you have. (Example, my jar weighs 248g, and my jar with starter weights 298g, so my starter weighs 50g)
To feed, add 50 grams of Warm water and 50 g Bread Flour and let it sit until bubbly. It’s just equal parts each time you feed it so it’ll be different each time. You just need to subtract the jar’s weight each time to get your starter weight.
Mix the Dough:
Once your starter is bubbly, set your mixing bowl on the food scale. Make sure it is zeroed out and set to grams. Pour 50g starter into the mixing bowl. Then add 350g warm water, 500g bread flour, and 10 g Salt. Mix together.
First Rise:
Cover with a damp dish towel and set it aside for 60ish min.
Stretch and Fold:
After 60 minutes, start from the outside of the ball of dough and “pinch and fold” from the outside to the center until you’ve gone all around the circle of dough. Here’s a very quick and simple video that shows how to do this.
Second Rise:
Cover with a damp dish towel and set it aside for another 60ish min.
Stretch and Fold Again
Third (Extended) Rise:
Cover with a damp dish towel and let it rest for 8-10 hours.
Shaping the Bread:
At the end of 8-10 hours, it should have risen quite a bit. (I usually do the long rise overnight). Now you’ll flip it out onto a floured work surface (I just use our kitchen counter and sprinkle it with GF all-purpose flour). Here, you’ll shape it into a round ball.
Final Rise:
Sprinkle GF flour in the proofing basket (not bread flour) and place the dough seam side up into the floured proofing basket. Cover with a damp dish towel and set it aside for another 60ish min.
Transfer it to the Dutch oven and bake covered at 425° for 20 minutes and then uncovered for 20 minutes. If you want your crust to be firmer/darker, you can bump your oven up to 450° and add on an additional 10 minutes at the end with the loaf sitting directly on the oven rack. We prefer softer bread in our house so we stick with 425° for 40 total minutes.